Why I Started My Blog

Happy New Year's Eve!

With the start of the New Year, I wanted to take a second to reflect on this past year and how much my life changed over the course of just one year. From continuing to pursue my Masters Degree, to beginning this amazing journey of sharing my styles and lifestyle with you all on a daily basis - I feel so grateful to be here writing this post.

Let's start way back from the beginning...

I graduated high school in June of 2012, and already had plans to begin at my State University that fall at the University of Rhode Island. I went into my freshman year undecided, but planned on pursuing business or fashion merchandising. After taking some classes in my first semester for both majors, as well as a couple of others, I decided the fashion merchandising major may not be for me. Sure, I loved fashion and shopping and styling items, but textiles were not really of much interest to me. After taking an environmental economics course in my second semester, I ended up going an entirely different path declaring an environmental and natural resource economics major - basically giving me the title of a "tree hugger" by anyone and everyone.

Looking back now, I would not have changed a single thing about my undergraduate decisions, and after graduating in 2016, I walked into my first full-time job (which I was hired for two months prior to graduation). I am still at that job today, working as an Energy Program Manager for the Rhode Island Army National Guard. After about a year here, I decided I wanted something different, I wanted to go back to school to pursue my MBA to expand my knowledge to allow for possible future career opportunities.

 Fast forward to the summer of 2018, after about a year of being in the master's program, I have learned so much about myself, my true interests, and what I hope my future will look like. I began following several women's clothing boutiques on social media platforms such as Instagram, and became fascinated with the idea of someday owning my own boutique. I love clothes and I love to shop, how cool would it be to work in a field that involves both!? With going back to school, my ultimate end goal/dream is to attain my MBA degree and hopefully begin my own online boutique - but we will see what the future holds until then!

With this idea now sitting in the back of my head at all times, I began to think about how I could actually get myself into the fashion world, and one day, the idea just sort of clicked. I told Brendan I wanted to start an Instagram page sharing my styles with whoever cared to follow, and of course he was my number one supporter. I wanted to share my styles, finds, deals, and opinions with those who were really interested. Over the years I have had friends, friends of friends, family, and even sometimes strangers ask me where I may have gotten my top from, or where I purchased my handbag, and I felt like this was a great way to get this information across to as many people as I could. I have always gotten such a great feeling of satisfaction and excitement when seeing a friend in a top that they once complimented on, and asked where I had gotten it from because they loved it so much.

I began my Instagram at the end of August in 2018 and my blog about a month or so later, and I have learned SO much since then, and continue to learn new things everyday. While I feel like my biggest struggle is with my photos, I'm still so awkward and shy when it comes to getting my picture taken by others! But I'm working on it... lol! I also never realized the importance of filters, and that is something I'm still learning on how to work with - so bear with me on that for now.

I feel so grateful for all of those who have decided to follow along with me on this journey. I have met and connected with some pretty amazing, influential women. I truly get so excited to share my styles and opinions with you all, and love connecting with so many empowering women on a daily basis! I hope to connect with as many of you as possible!

Looking forward to see what 2019 has to bring! 

Marissa, Xo
Styles By Mar

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